The scandal just carries
on for the English FA,
They appointed a new
manager - who caused
them such dismay.
The scandal broke
just recently - in a posh
The meeting between
reporters - and was it
kiss and tell?
Some would call it
entrapment - lured by
a trap.
By a gang of reporters -
we should give them
all a slap!
Sat round a table -
drinking posh champagne,
But this meeting was
top secret - but to
some it was in vain.
The drinks were flowing
and mouths were
gabbing, the atmosphere
was creepy.
Who was this person
who was lured, to sign
a dodgy treaty!
The story does unfold,
as someone is stitched
The person in the hot
seat looks round in
sheer mix up.
Enter Sam Allardyce,
he was the new manager
of the England players,
He only lasted several
months - now it’s ended
in tears!
An alleged payment
did take place - or was
it all well planned?
The corruption at the
very top - waved their
mighty hand!
The bosses said Sam
had to go - and he went
by mutual agreement.
This is what they say -
‘but is it the correct
Big Sam now walks
out the door, and
England still fail to
But was he stitched
up by the press, who
didn’t like him no
Football can be corrupt,
especially were there’s
Everyone sits round a
table - all acting very
Sam Allardyce won’t be
the last - thanks to the
“entrapping” press.
Is the game of football,
now in a shady mess.
The BIG boys in the
football boardroom have
waved their ‘axe’ again.
Who will be their next
victim - a sitting duck
to be slain!
So goodbye to Sam
Allardyce - but will he
collect his pay.
Will his compensation
ease his pain - or, does
he need to pray!
The press have got
their way - another
victim is scored.
Now they search
for another - don’t
they ever get bored.
The sleaze just carries
on as the bosses toast
their victim.
Who will be their next
scalp - “Oh, I really
cannot name him!!!!”
Written by Darryl Ashton
Follow Darryl on Twitter @AlfGarnettJnr
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ALSO: Please check out Darryl’s two fascinating new books - one on football poetry: My Crazy World of Football Poetry, and the more politically-inducing: My Amazing World of Poems and Political Satire. Both are available to order on Amazon.