A Football Poem: Another Exciting Premier League Season

What an exciting football
season it has been,
All the teams battling it
out in between.
The top clubs are always
at the top,
All trying to win their
games and avoid the

There is the Champions
League to play for, this
accolade of football,
And also the FA Cup
final - a wondrous sport
for all.
The pinnacle of one’s
sport is winning every
But, sadly, if your team
keeps losing - the manager
takes the blame.

But the enjoyment is
always there - as the skill
is there to see,
The twilight of those
footballers amazes you
and me.
The English Premier League
is the best by far,
But sometimes if your team
loses - it can cause an
almighty war!

But the excitement will
always be there, that is so
very true.
And when you go and
watch a game - there’s
always a great big queue!
The season is drawing to
a close - and it shows a
lot of intrigue,
But the season will start
again soon - in the glorious…
English Football Premier


Written by Darryl Ashton Darryl Ashton

Follow Darryl on Twitter @AlfGarnettJnr

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ALSO: Please check out Darryl’s two fascinating new books - one on football poetry: My Crazy World of Football Poetry, and the more politically-inducing: My Amazing World of Poems and Political Satire. Both are available to order on Amazon.