6 Pre-Season Soccer Training Tactics to Adopt

The best thing about soccer is that one can play it in so many ways. Plenty of tactics can bring a team to success. One should also prepare oneself physically and mentally for the new season. Today, we’ll discover the major soccer training practices a player should learn to master soccer skills like a pro.

Training methods to get ready for the new soccer season

Exploring all the opportunities and possibilities, the best ways to get ready for the new season may be narrowed down to six main tactics. They are:

1. Healthy rest;

2. A plan for the training sessions;

3. Stretching;

4. Regular light workouts;

5. Pre-season friendlies;

6. Coach’s preparation.

Let’s discuss each of them to find out the main benefits and peculiarities.

Healthy rest

First of all, one should take a break. The time between the seasons is the ultimate vacation one should spend resting and recharging. One can do anything he wants: travel, catch up with the latest movies, gamble or bet on Pari Match, etc.

It’s a great opportunity to cleanse one’s mind and body. Muscles need recovery. However, light training to maintain fit remains. A player should keep working out with low intensity. We’ll discuss this later in the article.

A plan for the training sessions

Another way to get ready is to come up with a pre-season plan. What does it mean? Well, this plan is a way to make sure a player has enough time for training adding it to the daily schedule. It’s also an opportunity to track one’s progress. For instance, a player may work on a certain skill. Regular practice is sure to bring good results.

Very often specialist advice making a 4-6-week training plan. It must include lots of cardio, bodyweight strength training, pull-ups, technical sessions. At the end of the course, a player should focus attention on agility and power moves like small balls, squat jumps, etc.


A player should stretch a lot. While it seems unusual to have this method on the list, it makes lots of sense. This soccer training tactic is vital as it reduces the pain and prevents some injures. Reducing stiffness, in the long run, helps prevent or minimize muscle cramps. Aside from that, it increases the sharpness of movements helping to react faster during the game.  

Regular light workouts

One of the ways to keep stretching is to go jogging, cycling, play tennis, etc. These activities don’t strain the body too much and keep it fit. Light workouts often combine endurance and interval training.

Pre-season friendlies

This is a very smart move. A player studies the players he’ll come up against in the new season. It can help define the weak points and improve the needed skills. Players may also play competitively without an intense match right away. Such games teach both teams on how to prepare properly both mentally and physically.

Coach’s preparation

On the other hand, coaches also need to take benefit of the free time and do some research to achieve higher results during the new season. For instance, a coach may explore the main soccer tactics and think about how to implement them with his team. Soccer tactics to explore:

1. Classic 4-4-2;

2. Titi-Taka;

3. The Counter-attack;

4. Park the Bus;

5. The Long Ball Game;

6. The High Press.

Each of the tactics has certain peculiarities and brings advantages in some situations. A coach should study each of them to help the team win the game and reach its glory.

Bottom line

All in all, the off-season is also a busy time for soccer players. They still have lots of things on the to-do lists as they get ready for the new season. Using the tactics described here, one can make sure to remember every detail and learn how to combine rest and workouts.

