Connect in the back of the net

I’m watching my share

of football, and maybe

I’ll have a beer.

Sit down in front of the

TV and give an almighty



It doesn’t matter who

is playing, it is the game

I’ll watch.

And sometimes on occasions,

I’ll drink an orange and



As the game goes on, I

seem to get more involved,

And then I start to shout

out loud – as the game is

all soon solved.


I’ve got my crisps all ready

to munch, and the phone

is off the hook.

No one shall disturb me

now – not even Captain



I find the games enthralling,

and as time goes by;

‘I find myself shouting – that

I can’t deny.’


Football mania is what it’s

called – as all Europe is

gripped with footy fever.

Will my team score a goal –

as the nation’s all gather



The football has now started,

and the time has come to


Just cheer as loud as you

can – and enjoy an ice

cold beer!


I know that Europe is

divided – but something

has to give.

And Euro 2016 can help –

as all nations do forgive.


A feast of football is on

our tellies, and we all

stand together.

Knowing that this footy

feast will generate more



No matter which team

you support – or where

in Europe you are from.

Euro 2016 has the power,

as we all stand arm to



Peace and love can be

generated – but violence

has no part.

It only spoils a darn good

match, and it can easily

break your heart.


So settle down and relax –

as your team take their


Everyone shakes the

hand of peace, now for

the Euro aces.


Enjoy this footy extravaganza,

and may the best team


And hopefully when its

all over – a brand NEW

united Europe will proudly



Written by Darryl Ashton

Follow Darryl on Twitter @AlfGarnettJnr

Check out more of his brilliant work at his Google+ page

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