Welcome to soccer Theme for WordPress 4, an online Soccer/Football news theme. Soccer is a most popular game all over the world. Using this theme you can create a soccer site easily. You can add new club, player, league, group, point table , Fixture and other related information about the total soccer management system. (MailChimp intigated) so you can crete a community and send newsletter to the user. In a soccer site news are a vital factor.
soccer theme is for all those people who are interested about soccer. If you have interest in soccer and willing to create a community, you may as well build an attractive online for your business.
This Theme has been developed only for Wordpress 3.9 or higher version. So, you need to install WP before you can use this theme. Please see the CMS installation process. Here you can find the documentation : Wordpress Codex - Installing Wordpress
WordPress theme is simply a group of files, called template, bundled together that, when activated in CMS, determine the look and basic function of your site. By using professional themeum theme, you can have your site up and running with a new design - pretty fast. Theme installation is very easy process. Especially when you've chosen the theme you want to use, you'll need to install it into your WordPress website. You'll have the following two choices, as you did when adding new plugins:
Note: On your WordPress site, the wp-content/themes folder holds all your themes. Each theme you install gets its own subfolder. All of a theme's style sheets and template files reside inside the theme's folder.
Fig: Install soccer theme Step by Step
Step 1: In Dashboard click on Dasboard => Appearance Menu
Step 2: Then click on Dasboard => Appearance => Theme Menu
Step 3: Then click on Install Themes tab.
Step 4: Then click on Upload Theme link.
Step 5: Then click on Choose file and select soccer.zip file from your computer directory.
Step 6: Now click on Install Now button and wait for the installation complete. After successful installation of theme click on active theme click and enjoy theme theme feature. After activating, this theme will be used for whole site instead of Twenty Fifteen, the default WordPress theme.
For using all Features you have to install and active all required plugins. All Essential plugins are included in the soccer theme.
Install above essential plugins by easy 2 step.
Fig: Essential plugins installation
Step 1: In Dashboard, click on Dasboard => Appearance Menu => Install Plugins Menu
Step 2: Then click on Install link under plugin title and enjoy the plugins.
Import Sample Data: Import Sample Data: If you want to use demo data for your website then you need to install sample data. From menu choose Tools -> Import -> Wordpress. Click Wordpress then you will see the "Import Wordpress" option which allows you to upload .xml file from /Demo Content folder. If this tool not be installed you have to install "Wordpress Importer" plugin manually.
Its an important part of soccer theme Installation process. Select your menu for Primary Menu Location. Go to Dashboard-> Appearance-> Menu then click on Manage Location and select Main menu for Primary Menu Locations. You can follow below screenshot.
WordPress shows blog posts by default as the front page. If you want to look like demo soccer then you need to set Home Page. See the way how to set Static Hope Page Dashboard->Settings->reading. From here select static page then for Front page select Home. You can follow below screenshot.
Make sure to configure permalink. By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them; however, WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links. From WP admin panel go to the following path Settings-> Permalik then select (Post name).
Import Widget Setting Data: If you want to use Demo site widget setting for your website. we recommends to install and activate the following plugin "Widget Settings Import Export". Which gives you the ability to import the demo widget settings, saved as a .json file type. The import will not overwrite any data currently within the sidebars, but instead will increment the widgets and add a new instance of the widget instead. Please choose Tools->Widgets Setting Import then select widget_data.json file from Demo Widget Settings folder directly from QuickStart package folder. Then Click on Show Widget Settings Button. Selected all or those widgets which you really need and use "Import Widget Settings" button. All widgets with registered sidebars will be imported.
soccer theme comes with lots of Options in Advanced Admin Options Panel. You can follow below options to customize your site with out coding. Important note, After changing options click on "Save Changes"
Some essential options for customizing header
Some essential options for customizing Sub Header
This is the important options for theme, you can upload your custom logo and favicon from here. You can also use text as logo too.
This options manage color variation of your theme. You choose site link color, link hover color,backgroung color or images and many more. You can also use color with opacity ( rgba color pattern )
This is most important features for theme. You can change your site font-family, font size, weight, color and alignment too. 600+ Google fonts added in this font selection options.
You can manage and customize you site blog using above options
Manage site footer part using this options
Manage site Import/Export redux part using this options. You can download the redux theme setting data using this option.
soccer theme comes with lots of Advanced Admin system. You can follow below options to customize your site with out coding. Important note, After changing options click on "Save Changes"
This is Themeum Poll. You can create a poll in your site. This is a advance tools. Thats help you to create a survey to your user. Their is a result board in backend, so you can see the top 3 poll result in here.
You can create a club in here. You can add club history, honors, player, gallery, kit image and other necessary information.
You can add a player image, bio, height, weight, and other information.
When a league start then you can add their fixture and current result in here. Every match details informaton like goal, time, comments, substitution, player etc.
Add here league point table. Every league has a point table. Add their point table.
Soccer Home page 2 has a slider. If you need to add sider then add the content in here.
Visual Composer is very unique plugin, it will help you managing your content at the WordPress sites and create stunning layouts in few minutes without coding. Nowadays many websites have complex grid layouts with columns, tabs, sliders and etc. In the past, to create that type of layouts you should be HTML guru or Shortcodes operator ninja.
Here is the documentation with video tutorial Visual Composer Doc
We have 25 + shortcode. All shortocdes are imtegrated with Visual Composer